Naval Sector

The corporate know-how of CReAI is also at the service of the naval sector. CReAI carries out engineering services on mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic on board plants through the study and development of systems with high technological, innovative and aesthetic content. CReAI operates on a wide range of boats (Yacht, Mega Yacht and Giga Yacht) on which the company provides […]
Energy Sector

CReAI makes its know-how available to companies operating in the strategic sectors of Energy and Oil & Gas and with which it has been collaborating continuously for over ten years. The experience of CReAI includes: Structural analysis (static, transient, fatigue, vibrations) and thermo-fluid dynamic of fluid machineries and pressure equipments like: pumps compressors fans valves gas turbine components […]
Railway Sector

Railway Sector CReAI has developed a very high level of know-how in the railway sector, from the conception of the architecture of the railway vehicle to the detailed mechanical design of carbodies, bogies and interiors. Our work is based not only on skills consolidated by thirty years of experience, but also on the technological evolution of this […]